I am Max, any other label attached to me is for your convenience and occasionally my own. These labels only have whatever value I assign them.

I believe the same thing applies to everyone else.

It’s not always that simple in practice but that is the crux of my beliefs on the matter.

Society likes boxes and putting people in them, it likes the structure. I tend to question the need for those boxes.

I feel like I should address this here because it’s relevant and I think that not doing so would be ingenuine.

Trans Athletes

Sporting bodies sometimes ban supplements simply because enough athletes are using them. They might enhance sporting performance. In relation to my stance on being a Max, I don't think it matters what someone's identity is. So much so that I don't think it would be wrong, from an identity perspective, to change your identity to win at sports. I do think it's wrong from a sporting perspective. I don't know how to make these things work together.

I have had it pointed out to me that hormone therapy has such drastic effects on the body that no one would become trans for sporting success. A trans person is trans at the moment they decide/realise that they are, before the chemical or physical changes. So if we are approaching sport with that in mind there will be restrictions placed on Trans women. Significant restrictions. The perception of fairness is pursued to the most extreme in sport. Fairness is an essential part of sport. If it isn't pursued then the sports will lose credibility and will be worse off for it. I don't have the solutions unfortunately, nor do I think anyone will be happy with them.

Note: This is more of a political issue rather than a significant concern for most of the trans community. They really just want the support to be who they are.

Max Dicks - It’s in your hands




The Name