Trust is something built,
Help me start building
Open, Honest and Accountable
The barrier to understanding politics is too high, making it difficult for everyday Australians to understand and engage with politics, let alone vote for someone who represents them.
There are no laws in Australia that say you can’t lie in political advertising.*
This isn’t how a democracy should be run.
*(Except around how the process of voting works)
I will make that process easier, with independent non-partisan resources designed to promote a better democracy.
Hiding the processes of government behind a wall of text and jargon isn’t being open and it’s at best only token accountability.
ICAC - Independent Commission Against Corruption
It’s kinda in the name.
Even if we had the most honest and least corrupt government in the world, if Australians don’t believe it, it doesn’t matter.
We don’t need another Trade Minister receiving a $880 000 a year Chinese job just after negotiating the Chinese Free Trade Deal.
(Give it a google, it’s not great)
Willing to Engage and Answer Questions
We get to vote roughly every 3 years, but politics affects our lives every day.
It’s been a fair while since we sent a representative to Canberra by horse and cart.
Upgrading our democracy to allow Australians to easily engage with the things that they care about is essential to democracy's continuation.
If we all feel disengaged and unrepresented, that is our reality.
I commit to answering the questions as openly and honestly as I can. I hope other politicians follow my example and the media helps to promote this.