Australians are smart.
Let’s remind the world.
Funding Research
We have created such amazing technology here in Australia.
It has sprung forth from the minds of world leading scientists.
(by sprung I mean was labored over for years.)
Ranging from top of the line solar panels and IVF pregnancy through to Wi-Fi and the airplane black box.
Increasing our understanding of the world makes these innovations possible.
Government needs to fund the long term research, because industry rarely does.
(science isn’t straightforward, sometimes the answer is “I don’t know”.)
Refunding the CSIRO is a good place to start.
(Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)
Setting up a system where research scientists can have job security is essential.
Allowing them get a home loan and start a family.
Keeping our top scientists in their field of expertise.
Regional Innovation
Technology is making traditional regional jobs much more efficient, but with this efficiency there are less jobs to go around.
It’s no longer necessary for a business to be in a high-rise office.
All that’s needed is a fast Internet connection and willing staff.
We need to support the growth of startups in the regions, so that those in the cities know what they are missing out on.
Smart Cities
It’s not something that is completely defined, but basically, Smart Cities use new technology to make life and the process of government easier.
Both for the public servant and for you.
This is something that is normally implemented at the local government level, but a federal standardised framework and support network would free up money for your council to focus on other programs closer to home, rather than reinventing the wheel in every city.